I’ve been reading Haruki Murakami’s “Novelist as a Vocation,” and found it interesting that he writes his books in English and then translates them back to Japanese as a means of controlling the flow of his work. And then, ironically, the publisher eventually translates them back into English.

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lol that's amazing

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My confession is that as a run-of-the-mill native-English-speaking American, I have always deeply envied those who are truly functionally bilingual (or even multilingual). Many of us here feel inferior for not being more fluent in other languages. Many of us here also wonder if we even have a culture, so, I get what you're saying there too!

Your English is excellent, as far as I can tell. And your humor too! :)

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Ha, I think that’s the curse of English. These days everyone speaks it, so it’s hard to truly learn a second language for you, as you learn so much faster when you have no choice. Thx for the kind words Molly

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Indeed, it's all too easy to stay within English. That said, English's spelling is such a mess, it's sort of a horrible language to have ended up the lingua franca! I wish Italian would go worldwide - its spelling makes sense, and it's just so fun to speak. But I suppose that isn't looking too likely.

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I think Italian should be the lingua franca for cursing. They really dominate in that area

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Haha, yes! I need to learn some more of those terms. So lyrical yet so insulting.

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See if you can find a copy of "Merda! The Real Italian you were never taught in school" by Ronald Delicio. I got a copy while a real beginner, and after some thought put it aside. Idiom is for experts, I feel, and its use by those lacking fluency can only lead to trouble. Basta!

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Haha, that sounds edifying indeed! Though yes, I'd only use it for better comprehension of what I was hearing. I wouldn't go messing with such phrases in the streets of Roma or the canals of Venezia.

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If that wasn't bad enough, now US fast food chains are overrunning Europe. It is disgusting to contemplate the wonderful mom&pop Bäckereien being put out of business by Dunkin Donuts and other American crap.

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I’m French too but 200 years ago and Huguenot heritage. I get it. Just open to the world and you’ll find home.

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Although I am German, I have always felt drawn to the English language. It began when I decided to stop reading translated books or watching movies without the original audio (I always watch with the original audio and when I don’t speak the language, I watch with subtitles.) Conveniently, writing in English can reach the largest audience so it was a no brainer for me to publish anything and everything I write in said language.

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Obwohl ich bin Amerikaner und spreche deutsch nur auf Ebene B, rede ich sehr gerne deutsch wann ich reise in Deutschland. Wieso? Weil der deutsche Wortschatz viel größer als der englische ist. Wie meinem Lehrer gesagt hat, "Übung ist die Hauptsache"..

Ich finde auch, die Erfahrungen viel besser zu sein, wenn man ein bißchen die Landsprache spricht. Per questo motivo anche parlo un poi l'Italiano et en peu Française

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But as you see I cannot write worth a damn in French!

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Deutsch ist eine sehr schwere Sprache. Kudos to you for learning it!

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Genau! Spreche ich nur "tourist Deutsch" 😁😜

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Yes, I’m in love with English.

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I agree that English can reach the largest audience. I love writing in English more than my first language Cantonese.

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"Neighbour: ‘Are you writing in English?’

Me: ‘Yes.’

Neighbour: ‘Oh dear…’ [Walks away]." haha

We moved to Spain, I have not learned Spanish - five years in, I still have deep misgivings about learning to speak Spanish because deep down I know I will not be speaking Spanish but listening to Spanish - they love to talk, they will talk to you even if you don't understand. Thinking of learning Italian just to be contrary.

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My English speaking behind lived in Italy. I was like am leaving soon, was teaching English, so didn’t need to or want to learn it. But Italians only speak Italian in Italy they will not change for.no.one.

So in two years I was a fluent speaker not a writer of Italian as you can see. Europeans are BIG on grammar and you will be WRONG all the time if you try and write it. East Asia too( trying my hand at Korean while kiddo on Mandarin that’s a whole other level) English is not easier but forgiving.

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Omg yes to everything! I'm Spanish and English is my second language, but I somehow feel more confortable writing in English. Yet, I never feel fully confident doing so because, well, I'm not native. And so the shame wheel goes round and round for infinity. Also, I struggle so much with the fact that I want to write in both languages, but it makes it all more complicated.

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Okay, this has made me laugh :)) I take your points BUT - I kinda like my status as belonging nowhere, and (therefore) everywhere. For many years I used to mourn it, until I have learned to embrace it. I was born in Hungary, grew up in Israel, lived in London, New York, New Zealand and Spain, before I met my (now ex)husband in India and followed him to Montreal - where I had to learn French (avec grand plaisir!) in addition to Hungarian, Hebrew, English and Spanish. Since then I have also learned Italian. I write predominantly (and imperfectly) in English, and lately, in Italian. I don't know if this can help you (it only took me 30+years to figure it out): my home is my writing. And I write about things that are deeply important, personal and moving to me. Imperfectly. Much like life. There is so much beauty (and wisdom) that can be found in imperfections. In the in-between. Embrace it! No shame! Be a proud Frenchman (who speaks one of the most beautiful languages in the world!) who can write better, and funnier than most native English speakers! Your life is only richer for it. And a fun reminder: most native English speaker politicians, PMs and Presidents wouldn't be able to read a children book in a second language to save their lives :) Hope I have answered point a). As for point c)... life is hard, but it doesn't always suck. So keep on writing and go see your mother :) Courage!

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Life doesn't always suck for sure. But it's kind of nice to complain sometimes, let's face it.

I know you are right at the end of the day, in my native language I would never ask anyone to erase their accents, as it's usually really charming.

Btw, I must say that Hungarian, Hebrew, French, Spanish English and Italian is pretty epic. Time to really put your skills to the test, perhaps... Navajo? High Valyrian? Klingon?https://www.duolingo.com/course/tlh/en/Learn-Klingon

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You wouldn’t be a “true” Frenchman if you didn’t complain sometimes! 😂 I say this with affection, as I have many French friends who I absolutely adore :) (Hungarians like to complain too, but I think we are a little less adorable about it...)

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I am/was a journalist and I have to say your written English is excellent and far above that of most English people.

As for being an English-speaking foreigner, I moved to the UK and never felt at home. Now I'm in France I feel completely at ease. Perhaps having a childhood in Switzerland and France helped!

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I don't understand people like you. What are you ashamed of? I like the fact that you use different spellings than we do in the US. It's fascinating to me. Why can't you write in both languages? If one of your books becomes a hit they'll put it in another language anyway so, beat them to the point. If your book turns into a movie they'll do the same thing so, just do it don't be ashamed. Never deny who you are. I like you you taught us a lot of things. Don't be ashamed.

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Shame is my second name. I blame my parents 😉

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It should not be. It should be Glorious Wonderful man who REFUSES to hide his talents under a basket. Your parents didn't know any better. Take this opportunity to SHOW them better.

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Ahah thanks AnnGee. Remind me to message you when I need a cheer up :)

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I will. That's what I do. It's hard out there. You need a little sunshine sometimes.

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Oh I forgot to mention, my name is French. Angelique

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I am American but became French (by...choice) and I cackled all the way through this piece. Cursing in two languages is my favorite because even the worst French curses never feel so bad coming out of my mouth :)

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I speak French but I’m terrified to write in French 😂 I make so many mistakes - there is only so much grammar you can learn when you are not in primary or secondary education in a foreign language and not using it for work. Same with Italian. A lot of times I respond to artists I like in English even though they’re writing in French or Italian. We understand each other!

Bravo for writing this post and encouraging others

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To be fair, I (along with many people in France) make a lot of mistakes in written French. It's a very complicated language with constant exceptions to everything. My grammar is better in English :)

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that is so interesting :) I've always heard that English has difficult grammar rules.

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This was hilarious and it is truly not an easy gift for the future 😄

I agree with many of your points. I am French and I write and communicate mainly in English. Even if I studied in my childhood in a bilingual school and live in a bilingual family circle.

Oh! God, the French took over. It was a subtle yet strong inner battle to have English so present today.

Nevertheless, French is a beautiful language and it offers play of meaning and situations you can only comprehend because you are French or speak French. It is also important to state that French is not only the country but a large community of French speakers that expands to English territories.

I have had so many comments and quiproquos due to this. Some say I am too French others I am too English. Well, I tend to say: take a sit and live in the middle 🎈

Do you write sometimes in French or will you do more of it in the future?

Ps: I send support to the French & English Substack writers!

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No, to be honest, I've never written in French. Back when I was still in Paris I was acting. My orthograph is worse in French than in English. (Unsurprisingly)

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When your English gets stronger why fight... it happens. Orthographic challenge are within any language. I read another recent study stating French students are getting worse with it.

Maybe audio in French then?

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Hah! I can relate to some of that. That was funny and sad too. I'm actually super unrooted about my nationality/culture/whatever. I'm a Russian Ukrainian born in Kazakhstan, immigrated to Canada, now a Canadian living in US. Last time I spoke to a local who asked me where I was from and how long I lived here, she told me I'm American now. I guess that is a -/+? I have three languages jumbled in my head - Russian, English, French. But, English is my language of choice.

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Ha, I think I'll leave it at two, it's complicated enough 💙

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It can be be a messy potpourri XD.

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so familiar, lots of it!

now, I've moved-big moves- 7 times, including three countries and several backs and forths

people often go "what an interesting life!". I don't know. about "interesting". yeah. nah. sometimes.

I kinda envy folks a bit if they say moved only once..or ok twice...

I have an accent in almost every language and poor diction in every language and I forgot my own and why do I try to learn other languages ,given this sad state of events, is a mystery to me myself

did I write vicitimised posts already? hm. I think not, being too busy writing idiotic posts. but thank you for the opportunity to write victimised comment!

PS vastly enjoyed this post, thank you, Remy

French is cool, I even used to speak a bit, but forgot all since then. trying to revive somewhat. improvement in reading only, for now.

(My Grandpa spoke French, among many other languages. Never taught me though. He spent several years in France when young. Paris, I think.)

PPS edited for mistakes and typos lol, but I'm sure there's more.

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It's been a year and 4 months of relearning French (I only learned the basics in school and it didn't get me far). I work in a French school. Most families and kids are anglopgone while some are francophone/english-french bilingual. While I'm making progress, I'm always reminded of how much work I need to do to even get close to native in my speaking and writing skills.

I'm always so impressed at non native people who can write and speak English so well. It gives me hope that I can do the same in French.

I wouldn't have been able to tell you're not a native English speaker, so, all your efforts have paid off.

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Thanks Victoria! I think there's nothing like full immersion to really learn a language. To feel it beyond the obvious first surface. Good luck in your quest!

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